Erin’s Story

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Jon and Erin Stoffel Family 2010

On May 3, 2015, Erin and her husband Jon went for a walk across a pedestrian bridge with their 3 young children. Their lives would be forever changed on that day as a stranger senselessly opened fire on them, killing Jon and their daughter Olivia. Erin was shot 3 times herself, and managed to save her other two children. This is her story, in her own words…

If you have any feedback or questions, you can contact Erin here.

6 thoughts on “Erin’s Story

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  1. Thank you Erin for sharing your story…
    Your profound love is felt and heard…your goodness radiates the airwaves and your message is soft and clear.
    You are truly a gift~


  2. Thank you for sharing this, so difficult. You seem so brave. Thank you for helping me to trust in God by sharing how good He is to help you with such an unimaginable situation. God bless you and your beautiful family.


  3. I’m so sorry this happened
    and can hear the pain and how you coped l just don’t know. Perhaps telling your story helps .
    I feel you have faith, that I’ve never found. Can hear your such a good soul and makes no sense why this Happened and two children who need you and also broken.Know your pain isn’t gone and thank you for sharing your story.


  4. God is great he made u so strong even tho u feel different things not everyone is built specifically special.


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